Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nick Cannon Archives

I sent a message to this morning. Asked them to stop by and check out this blog. I don't know who runs that site, but I figure it couldn't hurt to make them aware of my blog.

Let you know if anything happens!

My Resume of Work (Published AND Published)

Okay, so when you're applying for a job, you need to submit a resume. For the purpose of this blog, I will submit links to my work, some of which resides on In my posts, I may type a line or two about the inspiration for the work, as well as how I hope that work will ultimately be produced (whether as a book, a stage play, a short film, a feature movie or a TV project). Maybe Nick will see something there that he feels would be appropriate for TeenNick or Ncredible Entertainment!

First post coming later today...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nick's Book Deal

I have two published books. Okay, I'll even admit it: they are self-published. Back in the day (and sometimes even now to dense people who don't get it), having to self-publish suggested that a writer didn't possess enough talent to get a book deal. In some cases that's true, sure. These days, however, it often simply means that that particular writer hasn't been able to get their work in front of decision-makers at a given publishing house. And even if they did manage to get their work on an editor's desk and the general consensus is that the work is good, that still does not always translate into a book contract. After all, there are only so many available book deals being signed each year, especially in the YA market, and many of those coveted contracts are being snatched up by the Nick Cannons of the world.

Ewww, was that snarky? Didn't mean it to be! I only meant that publishing companies believe that celebrity automatically sells books. So if they have to choose between my work and that of, say, Nick Cannon, they are going to choose celebrity over me. No matter how talented I am. Not that Nick isn't a talented author. I don't know yet. Haven't read his work. I'm sure it's really really good though! (Note to Self: you're ruining everything.)

Ugh. The whole point of this post--before I got lost in my own words--is that Nick has the deal, and I want a piece of it. I want to ride his coattails on this. I mean, he's already written the first book of his new YA series (based on his Nickelodeon move School Gyrls), but from what I understand, he'll only have a hand in writing the other installments. Which means he'll be looking to hire someone to write those. Why not me? I might just have that literary voice he's looking for.

So Nick...give me a call!

Text No. 2

I sent another text to Nick at his radio show. One line, a link to the blog. Nothing more. I want to come off as persistent, not aggressive.

Time to plan today's approach. Get back to you later on this.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Creating a Job Opportunity Where There Isn't One

I know nothing about whether Nick Cannon has a position in his company--Ncredible Entertainment--that calls for a creative soul capable of penning whatever he needs. I know even less about how much of an input he has in hiring writers for TeenNick. Nevertheless, I do believe that, given the opportunity, I can fully convince him that he needs to hire me to work along with him. He can introduce me as a Creative Consultant. Or a Literary Assistant. Shoot, he can call me that-chick-that-sits-at-her-computer-all-day-and-writes-stories-for-us for all I care.

I just want to work with him.

These days, with the economy such as it is, I think jobseekers have to create opportunities where there aren't necessarily any. Or use talents that they or their friends or their family are not readily convinced will actually allow them to make enough of a living to support themselves.

Well, I'm a Believer. I know for a fact that, with the right situation, I can make a living with the talents given me. Now I just need Nick to give me that chance...

92.3NOW Is Now Following Me On Twitter!

So 92.3NOW--the station where Nick Cannon's morning show broadcasts--is now following me on Twitter. I initiated it by following them first, but the fact that they're following me back is cool, considering they don't follow everyone who's following them. [That sentence could use some major editing, no?]

So back to the whole following me thing. Do you think maybe Nick is secretly watching to see what I tweet regarding my desire to work with him? I'd like to think so. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what's happening. Yup.

And now I'm just a little bit closer...

Going to Send a Little Tweet Now

Okay, so now I'm going to tweet a quick line to him during his show, and then that's it for the day. I'm no stalker!

Just Texted Nick at 699-23

Well, just texted Nick at his radio show on 92.3 to tell him about this blog. We'll see if he gets the text and makes his way over here to check it out!

Why am I so nervous all of a sudden? LOL!

Vibegrrl Is Following Me On Twitter!

I followed her and now she's following me back. I'm excited. Of course, that means I'll actually have to tweet. Haven't done that much these past few months. Gotta get back into it.

Oh, and she texted me that she'll mention my blog to Nick next time she sees him. I'm getting closer!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Update to the Darren Sherrill Post

Okay, I have to be real about that last post, which was politically correct and professional and all that, but which really didn't express what I meant to say.

Here's what was supposed to have happened when I sent you that email (dream sequence you were supposed to drop by my official website, read a little of my work, sit back in your chair in awe, dial Nick on his cell phone, tell him about this writer he should get to know, and set up a meeting. [End dream sequence.]

But you were real. You pointed me in the right direction and wished me success without doing or saying anything that would get my hopes up unnecessarily. Secretly, though, I'm hoping you'll someday become a fan. And that you'll give Nick a nudge in my direction.

There, I said it.

Note to Darren Sherrill: Thank You!

A few weeks ago, I asked for your help in getting close to Nick Cannon. You pointed me in the right direction, advising me to reach out to either Nick's manager Michael Goldman, or Nick himself through TeenNick. I did both, sending them letters through the mail with a quick proposal.

But I decided to try a little harder. Be a little more creative. So I thought long and hard and eventually came up with this blog campaign to get to Nick. I plan to do a couple out-of-character things through this thing. Nothing stalkish. Nothing that will turn Nick off. Just enough to get him to turn his attention to my work.

So thank you. I appreciate that you responded to me and wished me success. I plan to be just that: successful.

Thank You, Vibegrrl!

I'm so stupid. I just texted 92.3NOW (where Nick's morning radio show broadcasts) at 69923...only Nick Cannon is not there on the weekends. Vibegrrl is! Duh @me.

But she was really cool about it. She even sent me this text back:

Hey, good luck Kamichi!!! I like your clever blog! Make sure you text it to this number when Nick is on air, ok? xoxo-vibegrrl

I like the word clever, especially when it's directed my way. So of course I had to check out Vibegrrl's DJ page to see what she's all about. She's cool people. And we have a couple major things in common: I too love free Mimosas with brunch. And before moving back to the Bronx, she also spent about ten years "hanging out" in the DC area! I've been here just outside DC for about the same length of time. But if I can get a gig with Nick, I'm headed back home to Connecticut (twenty minutes outside the Bronx, my old stomping ground). Part-time, at least.

And though my list of Ten Things I Love About New York is different than hers, I'm going to check out Dinosaur BBQ and the Buttercup Bake Shop because she said they were worth visiting, and I trust her now. After all, she said my blog is clever, which means she's a chick who knows what she's talking about and has good taste. I also want to go to the Paris Theatre too because of her. And yes, I'll definitely be there in the balcony on a date with myself because all my guy friends from NYC are now married and I killed all hopes of that happening for me when I moved down here to Virginia. Never seen so many couples with a marriage license, 2.4 children, and a dog in all my life. Who can a girl date when there's no one unattached?

So thanks for calling me clever, Vibegrrl. (Oh wait, you called my blog clever, not me, right? No matter, I'll take it.) I have a confession, though: I almost did mock you about the whole knitting and sewing thing you do, but then I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that if I had enough of those free Mimosas in my system, I probably would be begging you to make me something in knitwear, you're right!

Have a great weekend, grrl!

Now In Production: The I WANT TO WORK FOR NICK CANNON Theme Song

It occurred to me in the wee hours of this morning that I need a theme song for this project of mine. Something that truly expresses how I feel about wanting to work for Nick Cannon and Ncredible Entertainment. Something original and catchy. Something as inspiring and lyrically-meaningful as "Pants on the Ground". Maybe a capella, maybe with a little piano (I don't play... but we do have a Baby Grand downstairs in the livingroom and surely I can pluck out a tune), I don't know yet. But definitely something I can add a little dance move to. A move, not a split. Because Lord knows my big behind could never come back from a split.

Hm, gotta give this some thought...

My Pitch to Nick

It's 1:45am Sunday morning. Just got in a minute ago and I can already see it's going to be one of those nights of tossing and turning. So I figured I'd get up and make some notes here about The Big Pitch I would give to Nick if ever I get the chance.

So here goes:

Mr. Cannon, I would say (sure, I'm several years older than him, but I completely respect his ability to hire so I would call him "Mister" and really really mean it), you don't know this about me because you haven't yet come to know my work, but I'm an amazing talent that could bring so much to Ncredible Entertainment and TeenNick. I can help you brainstorm and conceptualize fresh and original storylines. You give me raw, half-ideas of little substance, and I can help you flesh them out into whole new fictional worlds. I can create and develop content, co-author your School Gyrls book series (I want a piece of that Simon & Schuster publishing deal, dagnabbit!), proofread, street team, et cetera. I believe I can be the asset to your company that you didn’t even know you wanted. Your creative secret weapon.

And then, to prove that I have a way with words, I'd pull out my new book, a young adult novel entitled K My Name Is Kendra, and I'd read a scene to him aloud. I have lots of other ideas too, I'd say after that. If you'll just allow me a few more minutes of your time, I'd like to toss a few your way. Maybe you'll hear something you like?

Then I'd wow him with things I've pulled from my own files. Stuff I've written but never done anything with. Stuff that can be developed into the type of entertainment for which Ncredible wants to be known. He'd be so impressed that he'd hire me on the spot. I'd sign a multi-year contract worth six-figures (because, as I said earlier: And so worth every penny). And we'd all live and work happily ever after. The end.

LOL. Well, at least maybe I can drop off to sleep now with these pleasant dreams on my mind...