Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nick's Book Deal

I have two published books. Okay, I'll even admit it: they are self-published. Back in the day (and sometimes even now to dense people who don't get it), having to self-publish suggested that a writer didn't possess enough talent to get a book deal. In some cases that's true, sure. These days, however, it often simply means that that particular writer hasn't been able to get their work in front of decision-makers at a given publishing house. And even if they did manage to get their work on an editor's desk and the general consensus is that the work is good, that still does not always translate into a book contract. After all, there are only so many available book deals being signed each year, especially in the YA market, and many of those coveted contracts are being snatched up by the Nick Cannons of the world.

Ewww, was that snarky? Didn't mean it to be! I only meant that publishing companies believe that celebrity automatically sells books. So if they have to choose between my work and that of, say, Nick Cannon, they are going to choose celebrity over me. No matter how talented I am. Not that Nick isn't a talented author. I don't know yet. Haven't read his work. I'm sure it's really really good though! (Note to Self: stop.typing.now. you're ruining everything.)

Ugh. The whole point of this post--before I got lost in my own words--is that Nick has the deal, and I want a piece of it. I want to ride his coattails on this. I mean, he's already written the first book of his new YA series (based on his Nickelodeon move School Gyrls), but from what I understand, he'll only have a hand in writing the other installments. Which means he'll be looking to hire someone to write those. Why not me? I might just have that literary voice he's looking for.

So Nick...give me a call!