Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Let Me Try the Rapper-Braggadocio-Approach to Being Heard

Haven't blogged in sooooo long. Busy doing many other exciting things now that I'm getting my hustle back on. But I haven't given up on my quest to work for Nick Cannon in some literary way.

That being said, Nick, signing Cory Gunz might be a wise move for you, sure. But it won't be 'the wisest investment you'll make this year' as you recently tweeted. That's reserved for the day you finally discover my work (particularly HyperLinc with all its educational, literary and commercial appeal, not to mention the licensing potential for this amazing character I've created) and call me in for a meeting to knock out a deal we can both live with. Now THAT is the day you'll truly be able to tweet about the wisest investment you'll make this year.

Believe that...