Monday, August 2, 2010

Dear Nick, Here's My Pitch

And it really is 30 seconds if you read it kinda fast and don't pause too long between sentences. I timed it.


So here goes:

This is Kamichi Jackson, I'm an author, and I'd like to pitch a live-action movie idea and book series called HyperLinc. It's the story of a 13-year-old African American boy named Lincoln J. Battle who suddenly develops the ability to leap through cyberspace and time after he is struck by lightning one day. In each installment of the story, he must use his streetsmarts and the things he's learned in the classroom to determine where he is in history/time, and solve mysteries that could threaten the course of history. It's a sort of Quantum Leap meets National Treasure meets The Famous Jett Jackson in that it's both fun and educational (read: kids will be learning without even realizing it).

P.S. And don't even get me started on the gaming possibilities for a character like this!

Not Giving Up on the 30-Second Pitch

So I called Nick's pitch line Friday only to find that his voicemail box was full. The funny thing is that I was actually surprised at this! As if a bunch of other people aren't dying to get Nick's attention as much as I am.

For a hot milli-second(sp?), I thought about giving up. And then I decided against it. Nikki (Nick's on-air partner) told me to try and stand out with my pitch. So I ordered a half dozen balloons and am having them delivered to the show Monday morning. I tweeted Nikki about this. Looks like she's got my back:

Cool chick.