Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thank You, Vibegrrl!

I'm so stupid. I just texted 92.3NOW (where Nick's morning radio show broadcasts) at 69923...only Nick Cannon is not there on the weekends. Vibegrrl is! Duh @me.

But she was really cool about it. She even sent me this text back:

Hey, good luck Kamichi!!! I like your clever blog! Make sure you text it to this number when Nick is on air, ok? xoxo-vibegrrl

I like the word clever, especially when it's directed my way. So of course I had to check out Vibegrrl's DJ page to see what she's all about. She's cool people. And we have a couple major things in common: I too love free Mimosas with brunch. And before moving back to the Bronx, she also spent about ten years "hanging out" in the DC area! I've been here just outside DC for about the same length of time. But if I can get a gig with Nick, I'm headed back home to Connecticut (twenty minutes outside the Bronx, my old stomping ground). Part-time, at least.

And though my list of Ten Things I Love About New York is different than hers, I'm going to check out Dinosaur BBQ and the Buttercup Bake Shop because she said they were worth visiting, and I trust her now. After all, she said my blog is clever, which means she's a chick who knows what she's talking about and has good taste. I also want to go to the Paris Theatre too because of her. And yes, I'll definitely be there in the balcony on a date with myself because all my guy friends from NYC are now married and I killed all hopes of that happening for me when I moved down here to Virginia. Never seen so many couples with a marriage license, 2.4 children, and a dog in all my life. Who can a girl date when there's no one unattached?

So thanks for calling me clever, Vibegrrl. (Oh wait, you called my blog clever, not me, right? No matter, I'll take it.) I have a confession, though: I almost did mock you about the whole knitting and sewing thing you do, but then I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that if I had enough of those free Mimosas in my system, I probably would be begging you to make me something in knitwear, you're right!

Have a great weekend, grrl!