Sunday, March 21, 2010

Will Nick Cannon Hire Me on Friday, March 26th?

So this coming Friday, March 26th, is my birthday. Just another day to me, really. However, there will definitely be those inevitable moments of quiet reflection in which I think about how my life has been since 2005, when I was diagnosed with Diabetes and my heart failed for the first time (second time in 2008). How I've survived, avoided a heart transplant, got my swagger back, et cetera. How I still hold it down as a Diva, even if my steps are sometimes a bit unsteady, or I'm rockin' a cane some days because I have nerve damage in my legs and I'm in pain. Not to mention all the prescription pills I swallow each day just to keep things pumping and moving like they should. Still then, I am THE DIVA, even though I've been denied health insurance because of my pre-existing conditions and can't afford all the necessary medical care (note to self: Google health care bill to see what's up currently) and wonder sometimes if I'll make it to the NEXT birthday?

But Friday, March 26th is just a few days away, and it looks like I have made it to that next one. Woo hoo! And phew!

Even still it's just another day. Unless, of course, Nick Cannon finally takes notice of my little "hire-me" campaign and actually does call me during the show and offers me a job on-air the way I want him to. Then March 26th might actually be about something!