Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Nick Cannon Fantasy

That last post got a little heavy, but I don't want to delete it because I want Nick to appreciate everything his hiring would change in my life. It's important that he knows those things. I didn't mean to let it overtake my post, though. So let me lighten it up a bit and make my point:

I have a Nick Cannon fantasy. Get your mind out of the gutter, it's G-rated. I fantasize that I'll be woken up Friday morning, March 26th, (the day I turn 41, ugh) by a call from Nick himself, ON-AIR. He'll tell me that he's spent the week checking out my work, specifically HyperLinc, and he thinks I have Ncredible potential (see how I worked that in there? LOL). He'll make me a job offer over the phone and on-air, something that will allow me to use my literary talent for Ncredible and/or TeenNick. And it won't be one of those bogus offers like on I Want to Work For Diddy where the winner never actually gets hired to work at Bad Boy. He'll make me a real offer, with a contract, compensation, et cetera. My start date would be immediate, he'd ask me to come to NYC for a few days, but he would allow me to return to and work from Virginia, because he knows that with my heart condition, I need to be close to fam. In my fantasy, the media goes crazy over what he's done. They're reporting it everywhere. They've already labeled him a savvy businessman, but now they're also calling him "compassionate" for hiring someone so obviously in need of assistance and "forward-thinking" for hiring someone based on their blog campaign (imagine all the copycat blogs that will follow, and all the mention that would be made of Nick, Rollin' with Nick Cannon, and 92.3Now each time someone is successfully hired from a blog campaign like mine). Plus, he'd be making history hiring one of THE most brilliant, creative minds, and he gets further props for that. His star rises even hire, Ncredible blows up even more, and I finally have enough money to buy health insurance, a flyer/more fashionable cane, and a new car (I'm a woman of few needs).

The end. Ahhh...